AMEE Postgraduate Committee – Call for new Committee Members - AMEE

AMEE Postgraduate Committee – Call for new Committee Members

About the Committee

The AMEE Postgraduate Committee is currently accepting applications for new committee members to join the committee in August 2024.   

The principles of AMEE Committee Governance and the Remit of an AMEE Committee can be found on the AMEE website 

A listing of current members, as well as a summary of goals and activities of the committee is also available on the AMEE Postgraduate Committee webpage 

As a committee member, you will be expected to hold a current AMEE Individual membership, participate in regular conference calls and take responsibility for committee tasks. Information on AMEE membership options can be found on the AMEE website. 

The committee is seeking help with continuing the variety of current ongoing projects, to collaborate in the development of new and innovative projects, and to lead research addressing key issues within postgraduate medical education within the AMEE Community and internationally.   


To apply for a member position on the committee, you will be required to complete an application form which can be accessed below. The application form will also ask you to input a personal statement (500-word limit) and upload a CV. Your personal statement should include a description of why committee membership is of interest to you, your experience in postgraduate medical education, what skills you feel you would bring to the committee and your contribution to AMEE to date.  


All applications and supporting materials will be passed to the Postgraduate Committee for review. The deadline for the receipt of all applications is the 29 March 2024. 

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]   

The AMEE Team 

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