8th International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions
Conference Theme
CME Accreditation
Conference Theme
Future- Ready Educators: Empowering Faculty for Tomorrow’s Challenges’
Three innovative and inspiring plenary sessions:
- Plenary 1 – Democracy, Dialogue, and Love: Reclaiming Education as a Transformative Journey: Marco Antonio de Carvalho-Filho
- Plenary 2 – Shaping the future of research on faculty development featuring guest speaker: Diana Dolmans
- Plenary 3 – Cultivating excellence and change: Connecting the past, present, and future of faculty development in health professions education featuring guest speakers: Ardi Findyartini & Yvonne Steinert
CME Accreditation
CME credits will be applied for from the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom for the conference.
In Person Outline Programme
- 0700-0930 - Registration and Networking
- 0930-1045 - Opening and Plenary
- 1045-1115 - Break
- 1115-1245 - Parallel Sessions
- 1245-1430 - Lunch and Networking
- 1430-1600 - Parallel Sessions
- 1600-1630 - Break
- 1630-1730 - Plenary
- 1730-1900 - Reception
- 0800-0830 - Registration
- 0830-1000 - Parallel Sessions
- 1000-1030 - Break
- 1030-1200 - Parallel Session
- 1200-1330 - Lunch and Networking
- 1330-1500 - Parallel Session
- 1500-1530 - Break
- 1530-1630 - Closing Plenary