Committees - AMEE

AMEE Committees

Our committees focus on a range of themes within health professions education, innovating and creating opportunities in these important areas. 

AMEE Committees

AMEE has a number of committees focused on the development of key topical areas of healthcare professions education. All committees share the AMEE mission to promote and inspire excellence, collaboration, and scholarship across the continuum of health professions education.

AMEE Committees all follow the general principles of Governance outlined below:

  • As positions become open, there will always be a call for new committee member applications in the AMEE Newsletter and on the AMEE website.
  • Members of an AMEE Committee also need to hold a current individual membership of AMEE.
  • Terms of appointment are fixed (but can vary by Committee).
  • Every Committee will have a minimum of 2 appointed Officers: Chair (or Co-Chairs); Past Chair. A Chair Elect will also be appointed between 12-24 months before the Chair / Co-Chairs step down. Committees may also appoint additional Officers.
  • The Chair Elect is nominated from within the existing committee members and appointed by a vote of existing members.
  • Each Committee can create additional Special Interest Groups / Task Forces/ Sub Committees. Membership of these groups will be at the discretion of the Committee.

Each committee reports back to the AMEE Governing Committee.

If you have any questions regarding AMEE Committees, please email [email protected].

Remit of an AMEE Committee

Our committees contribute to AMEE’s mission  to promote and inspire excellence, collaboration, and scholarship across the continuum of health professions education by

  • Planning and participating in AMEE’s annual conference
  • Engaging with individuals and organisations working in relation to the area addressed by the committee
  • Engaging in collaborative work or projects as appropriate
  • Engaging with AMEE projects and initiatives
  • Advising AMEE on relevant topics and developments for their consideration
  • Informing AMEE members
  • Maintaining relevant information about the work of the committee in the AMEE Community
  • Preparing an annual summary of their work for the Governing Committee
  • Promoting scholarly work


The AMEE Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Committee guides AMEE on enhancing teaching and learning through the use of general education technologies with special emphasis on the education pedagogies underlying their use. 

The AMEE Postgraduate Committee was formed to raise the profile and coverage of postgraduate medical education in AMEE with an additional focus on assisting countries where postgraduate medical education is underdeveloped. The committee cooperates with other committees on research and innovative developments at the AMEE conference and proposes symposia/workshops each year which focus on postgraduate medical education.

The AMEE Research Committee manages a portfolio of scholarly activities which includes two research grant programmes, a research stream within the AMEE conference programme, PhD awards, and the development of resources. The committee believes that it is essential to provide opportunities and support for AMEE members with varying levels of research experience.

The AMEE Simulation Committee is responsible for providing advice on how AMEE can engage in and promote simulation-based teaching and assessment, through the inclusion of sessions at the annual AMEE conference, the development of courses, guides and other materials, and the provision of support for AMEE members.

The AMEE Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee refers to the lifelong learning of healthcare professionals. The committee aims to advance strategic priorities for CPD that positively impact healthcare systems and health outcomes for all. It aims to advance the quality and efficacy of CPD, promote and facilitate CPD scholarship, and increase the awareness of the value of CPD in healthcare professions education.

The AMEE Faculty Development Committee aims to advance best practice and excellence in the development of health professional academic faculty across the globe. It provides advice to the AMEE Governing Committee and AMEE staff on faculty and health professional educator development, and promotes related scholarly work to and among the membership of AMEE. 

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