Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship Award - AMEE

The Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship Award

Your opportunity to recognise the contribution of Professor Ronald M. Harden to the field of Health Professions Education by making a donation to this scholarship fund. Help us reach the target of €100,000.
Fundraising progress tracker
Scholarship Fundraising Progress
Target to €100,000 50%


The goal of the Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship Award is to advance the field of health professions education by recognising and supporting exceptional undergraduate or postgraduate students and trainees to engage in an innovative, feasible and scholarly project in education that would also focus on a multicultural or cross-cultural perspective of a specific topic.


Professor Ronald M. Harden contributed enormously to the field of medical and health professions education (HPE) through his teaching, scholarship and vision. In particular, Professor Harden encouraged the involvement of students in co-creating their educational opportunities and learning agendas and their active participation in programmatic improvements at their schools. To honor and sustain his legacy, the Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship Fund has been established to provide the support for these scholarship awards.

Funding the Award

The funding for this Award has already reached £50,000  and we are now opening this more widely for any institution, organisation or individual who has experienced the impact that Professor Harden has made, to make their own contribution.  Simply click on the button below and you will be able to make a donation, all of which will go directly to the Fund.

Funding Available

One Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship Award will be awarded each year. Each award is worth a maximum of £4,000 to be spent on carrying out a scholarly project directly related to the training of future health professionals.  Award winners are expected to submit an abstract (related to the work funded by their award) to an annual AMEE conference. The award will therefore also include free Student Conference Registration (or a discount of the equivalent amount at the member rate if they are no longer a student at time of presentation) for the conference at which they are accepted to present this work.


The application process for the Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship Award will open at the end of August each year to coincide with the annual AMEE Conference. The deadline for the receipt of applications is 30 November 2024 (Midnight, UK time). The winner of the Award will be determined in March and funding will begin on 1 July for a maximum of 12 months, with a final report to be submitted by 30 June of the following year. Award winners will be expected to submit an abstract related to the work funded by their Award to the annual AMEE conference no later than the year after the completion of their Award. 

(A learner who applied in Autumn 2024 and was notified of a successful application in March 2025 would be funded from July 2025 to no later than June 2026, when their final report would be due; they would be expected to submit an abstract related to the work funded by their Award to either the 2026 or 2027 AMEE conference.)

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Primary Applicant: 

Both at the time the application is submitted and throughout the duration of the Award, the Primary Applicant must be:

  • An undergraduate or graduate student working towards their primary qualification as a health professional in any of the healthcare professions (including pre-clinical and clinical health professions students) 
  • An Individual Learner Member of AMEE (in either the ‘Student’ or ‘Resource Constrained Student’ category) or a learner at
    an AMEE Member Institution


The Mentor must be a fully-trained healthcare professional who is actively engaged in the teaching of future healthcare professionals as part of their formal work.

Project Team: 

The Project Team will consist of the Primary Applicant, the Mentor, and additional Project Team Members. Additional Project Team Members may include clinical teachers, patient partners, learners, researchers, administrative stakeholders, and others whose input and assistance will contribute to the success of the project.


Projects eligible for the Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship Award must:

  • Advance the practice of health professions education in a way that is innovative, feasible, evaluable, and scholarly;
  • Improve on an existing aspect of the training of health professionals (e.g., curricular offerings, educational activities, pedagogy, etc) and/or implement something entirely new related to such training;
  • Attend to local contexts and cultures, whether by incorporate an understanding of how they are affected by context (and could be extended beyond that context) or by being explicitly multicultural;
  • Be achievable within 12 months. 

Selection Criteria

Applications will be reviewed by members of the Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship Award Selection Committee. Depending on the number and nature of the applications received each year, the committee may set up a one-stage or two-stage process. At least two members of the committee will screen and/or review each application at every stage. Applications will be adjudicated according to the following criteria:

70% Project (20% Relevance and Potential Impact, 20% Innovation/Creativity, 20% Feasibility and Rigour, 10% Evaluability)

– Project Description

– Budget

10% Potential of the Primary Applicant

– Primary Applicant CV

– Primary Applicant Self-Nomination

– Mentor Letter

10% Appropriateness of the Mentor and Impact of Mentor/Mentee Relationship

– Mentor CV

– Mentor Letter

– Primary Applicant Self-Nomination

10% Appropriateness of the Full Project Team

– CVs of all Team Members

– Team Description/Justification

The Fund Steering Committee

The Professor Ronald M. Harden Scholarship fund is administered by an independent Steering Committee. They will appoint members to a Scholarship Award Selection Committee that will review the applications and select candidates to receive the award. The Award Selection Committee will receive and review the final project report from the awardees and arrange for the awardees to present their findings at an AMEE conference.

Chair :

Aviad “Adi” Haramati


  • Ricardo Leon-Borquez, WFME
  • Anne Lloyd, CEO AMEE
  • Vishna Devi Nadarajah, Newcastle University, Malaysia
  • Madalena Patricio, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Subha Ramani, AMEE President/ Harvard Medical School, USA
  • Dujeepa Samarasekera, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Lawrence Sherman, AXDEV Global, USA

The Selection Committee for the Professor Ronald M Harden Scholarship Fund

The recipients for the Professor Ronald M Harden Scholarship fund will be selected by a Committee which is Chaired by Ayelet Kuper

Chair :

Ayelet Kuper


  • Yu-Che Chang, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
  • Diann Eley, University of Queensland, Australia
  • Aviad “Adi” Haramati, Georgetown University, USA
  • Mantoa Mokhachane, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Marcos Nunez, Universidad Iberoamericana Republicana Dominica, Dominican Republic
  • Madalena Patricio, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Subha Ramani,  Harvard Medical School, USA


Thank you to the many individuals as well as the following organisations who have already donated to this fund to recognise the contribution of Professor Ronald M. Harden:

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