AMEE Faculty Development Research Grant - AMEE

AMEE Faculty Development Research Grant 

We are currently closed for pre-proposal submissions for the AMEE Faculty Development Research Grant. More information on the next submission period will be made available soon.

The AMEE Faculty Development Research Grant is available through the AMEE Faculty Development Committee with the purpose of helping and promoting research within the Faculty Development subject area. A total of £7,000 is available to help fund one project and applications for projects centred around Faculty Development are welcome, but any relating to other subject areas will be declined. 
The grant is open to current paid AMEE Individual members, and either the Principal Investigator, or one of the Associate Investigators of the research project must hold an AMEE Individual membership at the time of application. This grant is not available for students.

The Award

The grant is an award of up to £7,000 intended to provide additional support for projects in the field of Faculty Development. This funding may be used to cover expenses incurred in the course of conducting research such as standardised patient fees, incentives for study participants, transcription fees, salary support for a research assistant and meetings of the research group.It cannot be used to provide salary support for the core team, equipment, travel (other than research group meetings), or institutional overhead costs. 


A timeline will be provided when the next submission period opens.

How to Apply 

To apply for the AMEE Faculty Development Research Grant, you need to submit a pre-proposal application outlining your project. A pre-proposal application form will be made available below when the next submission period opens.
The pre-proposal application form includes:  

  •   Title of your proposal 
  •   Details of the principal investigator: institution, address, contact details 
  •   Proposed start and end date (max. 1 year) 
  •   A summary of the project (1000 words total) 
  •   Problem statement/topic/issue/relevance 
  •   Conceptual framework/theoretical framework 
  •   Research question(s) 
  •   Description of proposed design and methods (at least 1/3 of your summary should address this area) 
  •   Budget and justification 

Applicants will be informed of the decision on their pre-proposal by the deadline listed in the timeline above and if selected will be invited to submit a full proposal according to the timeline.

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].

Selection Criteria and Review Process

The grant review consists of two levels. Your pre-proposal is initially reviewed by the AMEE Faculty Development Committee who decide whether it is suitable for funding through AMEE. If successful, you will be invited to submit a full proposal.The second level review looks closely at the full proposal, based on the criteria below. Please be aware that feedback will only be provided to author(s) who are invited to submit a full proposal. 

If you have submitted an AMEE Faculty Development Research Grant application and have previously been awarded the grant within the last 5 years, it is unlikely you will be awarded a second grant within a 5-year period.  


Proposals are assessed on the basis of:  

  •   Theoretical importance 
  •   Innovation 
  •   A clear problem statement (how the problem will be addressed), and research question 
  •   The rigour of methodological approach 
  •   Practical and theoretical significance 
  •   Publication suitability (i.e. to what extent will the outcomes of the project result in a publishable report in a peer reviewed scientific journal?) 
  •   Ethical value (please outline the ethical consent requirements and process of the study context, and how the team will address these) 
  •   Feasibility within the 1-year time frame for completion 
  •   The expertise and relevant research experience of the project team (i.e. expertise of the team in the area of investigation, and appropriate disciplines of the research team) 
  •   A realistic plan for results (to include the required presentation at an AMEE conference and the likelihood of publishing findings in medical education literature) 
  •   The style of writing and clarity of the proposal 

Successful applicants of the AMEE Faculty Development Research Grant will be required to present their research at the AMEE 2026 or AMEE 2027 conference. If you are successful, it is your own responsibility to submit an abstract for the appropriate conference session and to advise the Conferences Team at [email protected] that you have submitted. Failure to do so may result in you being asked to repay your grant award. 

Recently funded projects

2023 – The What, Who, How, and Why of Postgraduate Degrees in Health Professions Education: A multi-pronged approach to theory development

– Louise Allen (University of Melbourne), Brett Vaughan (University of Melbourne), Justin Bilszta (University of Melbourne) and Simone Gibson (Monash University). 

2022 – How do health professions educators conceptualise their current and future teacher identities in their working contexts? A landscape of practice perspective

– Boukje Compen (Maastricht University), Lianne Loosveld (Maastricht University), Herma Roebertsen (Maastricht University), Peter Cantillon (University of Galway), Susan van Schalkwyk (Stellenbosch University) and Diana Dolmans (Maastricht University).

2021 – Social Media and Professional Development of Medical Teachers in Global South: A Phenomenology Study 

Ardi Findyartini (Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia), Komal Atta (University of Faisalabad Pakistan), Thirusha Naidu (University of KwaZulu-Natal), Madawa Chandratilake (University of Kelaniya) and Diantha Soemantri (Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia).

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