Aspire Academy - AMEE

ASPIRE Academy

About the ASPIRE Academy

The AMEE ASPIRE Academy is a professional group of institutions that have received AMEE ASPIRE Awards. It shall also serve in a resource and advisory capacity to the ASPIRE board and to AMEE.

The purpose of the Academy is to encourage communication among members and to provide a forum for discussion of medical education practices and innovations. Specifically, it is to:

  • Provide members of the Academy with the opportunity to network and share their experience and knowledge.
  • Promote excellence in education through collaboration and dissemination of best practices in medical education.
  • Push the boundaries of medical education for educational innovation and better healthcare.

Who We Are

  • Chair: Heeyoung Han, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, USA
  • Past Chair: Kulsoom Ghias, The Aga Khan University, Pakistan
Member Institutions
  • See the full list of member institutions below

What We Do

Assessment of Students
Rukhsana Zuberi
Curriculum Development
Harm Peters
Faculty Development
Clarice Olivo / Patricia Tempski
Inspirational Approaches to HPE
Annette Burgess
Viktor Riklefs
Social Accountability
Lilon Bandler
Student Engagement
Kate Owen / Emily Roisin Reid
International Collaboration
Amy Clithero
Engagement (Website/Social Media)
Clarice Olivo / Patricia Tempski




AMEE 2023
    • Symposium on “East Meets West: Experiences of Two AMEE ASPIRE Awardees for Excellence in Student Engagement” by Pongtong Puranitee, Harm Peters, and Muirne Spooner.
    • Two Meet the expert sessions: Assessment advice clinic and ASPIRE Award.
AMEE 2022
      • Symposium on “Aspiring-to-Excellence in Curriculum Development” by John Jenkins, Marina Crehan, Peter McCrorie, Harm Peters and David Sandhu
      • Pre-conference workshop on “Curriculum Development” by Harm Peters, Anne-Marie Reid, Asja Maaz, Martina Crehan, Ronja Mothes and John Jenkins
AMEE 2021
    • Pre-conference workshop on student engagement led by Sue Smith
    • Symposium titled “Essential curriculum transformation – the why and how” led by John Jenkins

International XII Meeting

  • Led by Deb Klamen


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©AMEE 2025