Associate Fellowship Application - AMEE

Associate Fellowship Application

Application Form for AMEE Associate Fellowship

To qualify for Associate Fellowship, you will be able to demonstrate that:

  1. You are a current active individual member of AMEE.
  2. You hold qualifications at least at Bachelor’s level in an academic field related to Health Professions Education, or have current registration as a Health Professional.
  3. During the last five years, you have actively contributed to AMEE, and/or have published a scholarly article as first or lead author or have delivered at least one other presentation as first or lead author, at an AMEE conference or other international Health Professions Education conference.
  4. Or you have completed the ESME Specialist certificate and meet the above criteria.

Please fill in this form and return along with accompanying documentation. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Accompanying Documentation

  • Evidence of qualifications or details of a sustained programme of scholarship – these can be PDFs or scans of documents. Please ensure the documents are in English and officially signed if translated.
  • CV – Maximum of 4 sides of A4 with a focus on leadership and scholarship activities.
  • One letter of support – These ideally will be on an official letterhead and signed by Head of Department, Dean, Supervisor or a Senior Colleague. The format can be a scan, a PDF or a word document.
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Using the box below, please provide up to three of your top presentations in the last 5 years – please include AMEE and other key education conferences – virtual or in-person. Let us know conference, year, type of presentation and co-presenter list.

Examples of presentations can include

  • Short Communications
  • Symposia
  • Plenary
  • Pecha Kucha
  • Round Table
  • Point of View
  • AMEE Fringe
  • Meet the Expert
  • ePoster
  • Mounted Poster
  • Online or in-person workshop (PWC or in-conference)
  • AMEE Webinar
  • Opening discussant at conference

Please attach up to five PDF documents of your top publications in the last five years

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Contributions to AMEE in the last 5 years – please include the PDF Document this includes:

  • Involved in Aspire-to-Excellence activity
  • participation in an AMEE committee, special interest group or community of practice
  • active reviewer for Medical Teacher
  • active reviewer for MedEdPublish
  • contributed to an AMEE conference through reviewing abstracts, acting as a chairperson or opening discussant
  • active contributor to MedEdWorld through submission of articles, news items or resources
  • involved with BEME activities


Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
If you feel you have contributed to AMEE in other ways that are not listed, please list them here.
Personal Statement
Max. 250 words and send accompanying CV via upload in the supporting documentation section
This can be a Head of Department, Dean, Supervisor or Senior Colleague. Please provide details of one signed letter of support in the supporting documentation section
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
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