Designing and Planning Learning Module - AMEE

Designing and Planning Learning

Information about the module

In this module, you will explore the key elements that need to be considered when planning and designing learning, be this a single teaching event, a whole degree programme or a practice-based training programme. We will discuss ‘outcome based’ education and highlight the impact this has had on health professions’ education. Finally, we focus on the importance of writing good learning outcomes; this is an important skill that makes it easier to plan activities and assessments.
The module is presented in three units. Unit 1 considers the key principles of curriculum alignment and course design. Unit 2 explores the outcome-based approach to learning and discusses how this related to other approaches to planning and designing education. Unit 3 discusses learning outcomes and provides an opportunity to practice writing learning outcomes.
Module Outcomes:
  • Explain the importance of and key principles underpinning ‘curriculum alignment’.
  • Define ‘outcome based education’.
  • Write good learning outcomes aligned to teaching & learning methods and assessment.
  • Give examples which illustrate the practical considerations which must be taken into account when using learning outcomes.
  • Use the three domains of knowledge, practical skills and professional behaviours to identify learning outcomes relating to graduates of a health professional programme.

Module Pricing

Full £100
Member £80
LWR £50
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