Find out more: Assessing the needs of CPD learners – Module 2 - AMEE

Discovery and Analysis of Professional Practice Gaps (PPGs)

Information about the module

In this module we will begin thinking about how we identify the content to be included in continuing professional development (CPD) activities or programmes in the health professions. We’ll explore this in terms of ‘professional practice gaps’ (PPGs), which are things that we know should be happening but aren’t, and which can lead to adverse outcomes for patient or population health. 

The overall aim of this module is to enable you to describe the educational needs of CPD learners in terms of PPGs, to identify PPGs in your own context, and to understand how these inform CPD planning. 


Module Pricing

Full £100
Member £80
LWR £50


10 Hours/3 months



Delivery Format


Module Details

What will be covered: The content is organised into three short units, covering an introduction to needs assessment and professional practice gaps (PPGs), discovering and measuring PPGs and using PPGs to define learning outcomes. Each unit uses a blend of activities, including video, audio, reading, practical and reflective activities and quizzes. 


Who it’s for: This module is aimed at practitioners with a responsibility for design, delivery, assessment or recognition of CPD activities for health professionals but is likely to be of interest to a wide range of professionals with an interest or involvement in CPD. 


Delivery format: This is a self-paced module, and we estimate that it will take the average learner around ten hours to complete the module.  There is no minimum time requirement; you can spend as much or as little time as you need to understand the key concepts.  


What’s included in the registration fee: You’ll get full access to your module for three months from the start of your enrolment which includes all of the course content, a bank of additional readings and resources, and the option to submit an end-of-module assessment if you wish to receive a certificate of participation. 


Although the course is designed to be self-paced and self-directed, you will have access to learning support and the opportunity to learn from and with colleagues around the world via the course forums. You will also be invited to join our exclusive programme of live teaching sessions for the duration of your enrolment. These cover a range of topics and provide the opportunity to meet and interact with tutors and other course participants. You can access technical support by email for the duration of your enrolment. 


Taking it further: This module forms part of a course. Studying a series of six modules and submitting an end-of-course assessment will qualify you to receive an AMEE Essential Skills in CPD for the Health Professions Certificate. You will need to complete and submit the end-of-module activity for this module as a pre-requisite to submitting work for assessment as part of our Certificate programme.  

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