The Patil Teaching Innovation Award
The Patil Teaching Innovation Award
The Patil Teaching Innovation Award celebrates innovation in relation to teaching and learning methods, assessment and curriculum planning. Many AMEE attendees are practically oriented educationalists and they are interested in innovations applicable in their daily work. The Patil sessions give them an opportunity to meet other innovators and share their thoughts. The winner of the award receives one free conference registration for the next AMEE conference.
Winners of the 2024 Patil Teaching Innovation Award
4N4 – ‘Clinical reasoning development, beyond resource barriers: Diagnosis, a medical education board game’
Eleonora Leopardi1, Charlotte Englund2 and Nara Jones3
University of Newcastle, Australia1 New South Wales Health, Australia2 University of Tasmania, Australia3
Winners of the 2023 Patil Teaching Innovation Award
2F2 – Using the EPAs to Evaluate Clinical Experience of Dental Students – Development and Pilot Implementation Steps
Sivakumar Arunachalam, Seow Liang Lin, Allan Pau, Vishna Devi Nadarajah, Muneer Babar, Abhishek Parolia, Spoorthi Ravi Banavar, Kirti Saxena, Yogeswari Sivapragasam, Niekla Survia Andiesta1
1International Medical Univeristy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Information about the 2025 prize will be available early next year.