AMEE Special Interest Groups - AMEE

How can I set up an AMEE Special Interest Group on the AMEE Community?

What is the AMEE Community ?

The AMEE Community is an online forum designed to bring our members together in one centralised space for networking, collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

Anyone who is a member of AMEE can request to set up a SIG and access the Community. 

How to set up an AMEE SIG:

Please read the following information carefully before applying.

An AMEE SIG is a group of people who want to exchange knowledge and information on a topic of shared interest and wish to set up a dedicated space for this topic within AMEE Connect. 

If you would like to set up a SIG on AMEE Community please complete the form below.  Members of SIGs can start new discussions, contribute their own content, carry out polls and reply to questions and comments from other users.


SIGs can only be set up by AMEE staff and once the form has been received new SIGs will be set up in January 2024, usually within 7 working days of receipt of the form. 

 We will need a name and short description (15 words or fewer) to advertise the SIG, plus a longer description which will appear on the front page of the SIG summarising who it is for and what its purpose is. If you have an image please attach it, or tell us what type of image you would like to use to promote the SIG. We’ll also need contact details for two SIG leads who will take responsibility for keeping content up-to-date and promoting the SIG to potential members.  

Once the SIG is built, it’s down to its members to lead discussions, post reflections and identify resources. We will provide user guides to help you get started and can also arrange a short video call on-demand if you need someone to walk you through the set-up. We’ll provide technical support to help users access AMEE Connect but the leads will be responsible for promoting the community and encouraging discussion. 

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