The AMEE Research Committee
The AMEE Research Committee was established in 2012 to increase the support for educational research and research activities for the AMEE community.
The AMEE Research Committee manages a portfolio of scholarly activities including two research grant programmes; a research stream within the conference programme; PhD awards, and the development of resources.
Our Research Committee members represent five continents, and are established researchers with a breadth of methodological and theoretical expertise/knowledge. We are proud of the past and present members of the AMEE Research Committee, all of whom are well-known for their expertise and who represent many different nations.
The AMEE Research Committee believes that it is essential to provide opportunities and support for AMEE members with varying levels of research experience: from those who are well-established to colleagues who are just starting to engage with education research.
Our Projects
Research Grants: The AMEE Research Grant Award programme recognises the importance of research in health professions education. It aims to promote excellence in research among AMEE members. Grants are intended to augment support for projects of up to £10,000. Applications are accepted once a year and involve a 2-step process, pre-proposal and a full proposal. Please see the AMEE Awards and Grants webpages for further information, including key dates.
Medical Educators Working in Resource-Constrained Settings (MERCS): This Award provides financial support of up to £2,000 for educational research and scholarship projects for those AMEE members working in under-resourced regions. Applications are accepted once a year and involve a single-stage process. Please see the AMEE Awards and Grants webpages for further information, including key dates.
Research Programme: In 2022-23 we reviewed nearly 191 abstracts, of which 48 were accepted for presentation at AMEE 2023. Research Papers are evaluated during the AMEE conference, and best papers from each Research Paper session acknowledged. Note that the deadline for submission for AMEE Research Papers is typically the end of November/beginning of December. This is to ensure outcomes are communicated before the closing date for short communications and posters (thus ensuring those who were unsuccessful in the Research Paper stream can re-submit and be considered for the main conference programme). Please check the Abstracts webpage for more information.
Doctoral Report Network: The AMEE Doctoral Report Award encourages and awards investigators who have conducted high quality research in the domain of health professions education. Students are invited to submit their full thesis for review by a panel of experienced PhD supervisors/mentors, then further evaluated at the AMEE meeting to identify an overall best thesis. This initiative aims to acknowledge high quality research in the field. We had 58 submissions in 2022-2023, of which 9 were accepted and presented at AMEE 2023. Please check the AMEE conference website for key dates.
Poster mentoring: The Research Committee offers poster mentoring during the Annual Meeting. Please look out for communications about this opportunity to get feedback on your poster from international experts.
Resources: A number of research and theory focused AMEE guides have been brought together by current and previous members of our committee. These guides are relevant to medical and healthcare professions research and activity. See the AMEE guides webpage for more information.
Researching Medical Education: Jennifer Cleland and Steven Durning, both former Chairs of the AMEE Research Committee, worked with experts in healthcare education research from across the globe, to produce this authoritative guide to excellence in educational research in the health professions. This is an ideal resource for anyone researching health education - Researching Medical Education (2nd Edition) ISBN: 978-1-119-83943-9
Potential future activities: The Research Committee is always considering ways to further enhance their presence at the annual conference and to assist members in between annual conferences. The Research Committee welcome your opinions regarding potential innovations, and would love your feedback on their existing activities. Please email [email protected] and your comments and feedback will be passed along to the Committee. There will be a call for new members in January 2024.
Our Committee
- Rola Ajjawi, Australia – Chair
- Ayelet Kuper, Canada – Past Chair for 1 year
- Bridget O’Brien, USA – Research Programme Planning (Network Lead)
- Roghayeh Gandomkar, Iran – Research Programme Planning (Network Core Team)
- Ryan Brydges, Canada - Research Programme Planning (Network Core Team)
- Tanya Horsley, Canada – Research Grants (Network Lead)
- Tasha Wyatt, USA – Research Grants (Network Core Team)
- Christy Noble, Australia – Research Grants (Network Core Team)
- Yu-Che Chang, Taiwan – Research Grants (Network Core Team)
- Muirne Spooner, Ireland – Research Grants (Network Core Team)
- Mikio Hayashi, Japan – Research Grants (Network Core Team)
- Marco Antonio de Carvalho Filho, The Netherlands – PhD Reports (Network Lead)
- Anne Mette Mørcke, Denmark - PhD Reports (Network Core Team)
- Paula Feder-Bubis, Israel - PhD Reports (Network Core Team)
- Lionel Green-Thompson, South Africa – MERCS Grant (Network Lead)
- Amudha Poobalan, UK - MERCS Grant (Network Core Team)
- Arianne Teherani, USA – MERCS Grant (Network Core Team)
- Sean Tackett, USA – MERCS Grant (Network Core Team)
The Research Committee members and activities are organised into networks, each led by a committee member, working with a Deputy Network Lead.
All Committee members contribute to the many Research Committee activities during the annual AMEE conference.