Become a Fellow of AMEE
What is the AMEE Fellowship Scheme?
The AMEE Fellowship initiative was created to recognise members for their contributions to health professions education (HPE), and showcase their scholarship and leadership. AMEE members, who have the appropriate qualifications and evidence of scholarship listed below under each category, are warmly invited to apply for recognition as Fellows or Associate Fellows of AMEE and the right to use the post-nominals FAMEE or AFAMEE, as appropriate.
The goals of the AMEE Fellowship Scheme are:
To value AMEE members who have demonstrated scholarship in health professions education.
To provide a mechanism for AMEE members to be recognised within their own institutions and globally.
To help emerging health professions educators chart a clear pathway and engage in scholarly educational practice and scholarship.
To establish a culture of mentorship through which members of AMEE can support the development of those with less experience in the field.
Fellowship Committee
The AMEE Fellowship Committee encourages health professions educators worldwide to advance their scholarship, strengthen the recognition of excellence at their own institution as well as the global HPE community, and to advance scholarship and career development among the next generation of educators.
Fellowship Committee Members
- Eeva Pyorala: Chair, Finland
- Marjo Wijnen-Meijer: Chair Elect, Germany
- Anne Lloyd- AMEE CEO, United Kingdom
- Subha Ramani - Past Chair, USA
- Rashmi Kusurkar, Netherlands
- Ming-Jun Ho, Taiwan
- Johnny Lyon Maris, United Kingdom
- Gary D. Rogers, Australia
- Daisy Rotzoll, Germany
- Dujeepa D. Samarasekera, Singapore
- David Taylor, United Kingdom

AMEE Associate Fellow Information & Application Form
Associate Fellowship recognises members of AMEE who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to medical/health professions education through their scholarly contributions to the field.
Associate Fellowship candidates are typically academics or health professionals who have been recognised as effective teachers, researchers, developers and leaders in education for a period of more than three years. They have also demonstrated a commitment to facilitating the learning of students and junior colleagues in academic, clinical and/or community settings.
To qualify for Associate Fellowship you should be able to demonstrate that:
You are a current active member of AMEE.
You are qualified to at least Bachelor’s level in an academic field related to Health Professions Education, or you hold current registration as a health professional.
You have actively contributed to AMEE across the last five years through things like: Having published a scholarly article as first or lead author, or having delivered at least one presentation as first or lead author at an AMEE conference or other International Health Professions Education conference.
In seeking Associate Fellowship of AMEE, applicants make a commitment to promote scholarship in health professions education, including the ongoing mentorship and development of more junior members of AMEE who aspire to recognition at Associate Fellow level. Associate Fellows are expected to contribute actively to AMEE activities.
If your application is successful you will become an Associate Fellow of AMEE and:
- You will be able to use the post-nominal AFAMEE.
- You will gain access to our Mentor/Mentee Programme.
Associate Fellows of AMEE are expected to be active members of the AMEE community and contribute as regularly as possible to conference and non-conference AMEE activities, for example by presenting/being involved in webinars and at the annual conference, reviewing conference abstracts and manuscripts for MedEdPublish and Medical Teacher, getting involved in AMEE initiatives such as mentorship/community activities/ASPIRE, and in promoting content for AMEE.
You would also be expected to renew your Individual membership on an annual basis and have your details added to an online database of AMEE Associate Fellows.
To apply for Associate Fellowship please download and complete the application form them email it back to [email protected] applications will be processed within two months in the following way:
- AMEE Office will process the information received and check for eligibility.
- Chair/Vice Chair will review the application and make a final decision. Inaugural Fellows may be consulted in the cast of any doubt.
- You will be contacted with the results
Please note that the application fees are non-refundable if your application is unsuccessful.
AMEE Fellow Information & Application Form
AMEE Fellowship recognises members of AMEE who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to medical/health professions education through their scholarly contributions to the field.
AMEE Fellowship candidates are typically academics or health professionals who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to leadership and excellence in health professions education through scholarly contributions to the field for a period of more than five. They have also demonstrated a commitment to facilitating the learning of students and junior colleagues in academic, clinical and/or community settings. There is no requirement that suitably qualified applicants for Fellowship shall have been previously admitted to Associate Fellowship
To qualify for Fellowship you should be able to demonstrate that:
- You are a current active member of AMEE.
- You are qualified to at least Master’s level in an academic field related to Health Professions Education, or you hold current registration as a health professional.
- You have consistently and significantly contributed to AMEE across the last five years through things like: several conference presentations, reviewing conference abstracts and journal articles, and providing valuable input as a reviewer or a member of an editorial board of a HPE journal.
- You have demonstrated a systematic, enduring high-level contribution to different forms of scholarship in the field of health profession education. This is evidenced by your publications as a first or lead author, as well as notable educational leadership both within your institution and at national or international level. Please, provide examples and evidence showcasing these achievements.
- In seeking Fellowship of AMEE, applicants make a commitment to the scholarship in health professions education by serving as a mentor for AMEE Associate Fellows, supporting their professional and scholarly growth.
If your application is successful you will become a Fellow of AMEE and:
- You will be able to use the post-nominal FAMEE.
- You will gain access to our Mentor/Mentee Programme.
All Fellows act as a mentor for more junior members of AMEE who have qualified as Associate Fellow. Fellows of AMEE are expected to be active members of the AMEE community and make regular and substantial contributions to both conference and non-conference AMEE activities. This might include arranging webinars, AMEE initiatives and advocating for AMEE content, reviewing conference abstracts and journal manuscripts.
To apply for Fellowship please download and complete the application form, then email it back to [email protected]
Applications will be processed within two months in the following way:
- AMEE Office will process the information received and check for eligibility.
- Chair/Vice Chair will review the application and make a final decision. Inaugural Fellows may be consulted in the cast of any doubt.
- You will be contacted with the results.
- If successful your award would be valid for five years, after which revalidation is required.
Please note that the application fees are non-refundable if your application is unsuccessful.
Data Processing Notice for AMEE Fellowship Applicants
If you are interested in becoming a fellow of AMEE, an International Association for Health Professions Education, part of your application process will include the collection and processing of your personal data. Please read the following notice which explains how we handle and use your personal data.